钢铁雄心4:唯有浴血 正式宣布!

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钢铁雄心4:唯有浴血 正式宣布!

2023-05-20 14:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Announcement | Hearts of Iron 4: By Blood Alone


牧游社 牧有汉化翻译

STOCKHOLM - 07 June 2022

斯德哥尔摩 - 2022年6月7日


It is necessary to act, to move, to fight and, if necessary, to die. Neutrals have never dominated events. They have always gone under. It is blood which moves the wheels of history! (Mussolini, 13 December 1914, in Parma)


Greetings Generals.


The long tradition of HoI anniversary surprises, while slightly delayed, has not been forgotten.


Today, we have the pleasure of announcing to you the next milestone in the Hearts of Iron story: By Blood Alone. Over the coming months, we'll be revealing more on what each of these features consists of, but for now enjoy a snapshot of the future for Hearts of Iron.

今天,我们怀着愉悦的心情向大家公布钢铁雄心故事的又一个里程碑:唯有浴血By Blood Alone。在接下来的几个月里,我们将一同见证组成它的都有哪些新机制,不过现在先让我们来简要地看看钢铁雄心的未来吧。

In By Blood Alone, you will chart the course of Mussolini's regime in Italy or subvert Italy's historical path in one of many new alt-historical paths in the new Italian focus tree, driven by the constant involvement in war from the beginning to the end of the game.

在唯有浴血By Blood Alone中,你可以制订墨索里尼政权在意大利的行动方针,或者背离意大利的历史路线,投身于将在新意大利国策树中出现的诸多架空历史路线中,而这些国策将可以让你从游戏开始到结尾一直都牵涉入各方战争当中。

Choose to take on the task of resisting the Italian colonial occupation as Ethiopia in their new, expansive focus tree. Will you go into exile only to return stronger than ever when the greater conflict ignites, or can you beat the ultimate challenge and evict Italian troops from your land before forging a new path for your country in the prosperous Horn of Africa?


Experience the true meaning of 'building tall' by balancing your precarious situation as Switzerland, sandwiched between an ever-growing array of totalitarian regimes. Will you succumb to their pressure, or stand as a shining beacon of democratic ideals in the face of greater odds?


Alongside a number of changes to the air warfare system, take advantage of a comprehensive Plane designer feature, as well as numerous quality of life improvements and new functionality for owners of La Resistance and the intel system. Accompanying the plane designer, we'll be adding a whopping 67 new 3d plane models including a wide array of new Italian planes as well as going back and adding models to many important planes currently lacking them.

在享受空战机制的一系列改动的同时,也别忘了使用飞机设计器Plane designer的全新复杂功能,以及我们给抵抗运动La Resistance扩展包的拥有者们带来的茫茫多改进与新机制。跟飞机自定义功能一同到来的,将会是整整67个全新的3D飞机模型。这些模型当中有许多全新的意大利飞机模型,还有那些本来早就该出现在游戏中的重要飞机模型。

In By Blood Alone, you will be able to make use of a variety of new demands in the overhauled peace conference feature. Demand the demilitarization of states, the dismantling of military industry in defeated foes, civilian factory war reparations, and access to resource rights in addition to the expected array of peace conference actions. Of course, we can't forget that navies played an important part of post-war negotiations - augment your victory by partitioning the navies of defeated foes, and put these behemoths of the sea to good use as you look towards the next conflict.

在唯有浴血By Blood Alone中,你将可以在重做的和平会议上提出更多不同的全新要求。在现有和平会议选项的基础上,你还可以要求国家去军事化,抑或是拆除失败对手的军事工厂,又或者是索取民用工厂作为战争赔款,也可以选择获取他国的资源权。当然,我们也不能忘记海军在战后谈判中的重要地位——通过使用失败对手的海军来巩固你的胜利地位,并在下一次冲突到来时将这些钢铁巨兽驶向战场。

Divisional Commanders will now be the bread and butter of your future officer candidates. Grow their skills passively as they perform their duties in command of divisions, reward their actions in combat with country-unique medals, and see their persistent achievements follow them as they are promoted to higher positions over the course of a game.


Encounter up to 20 new unit models and associated SFX, 12 new radio-integrated music tracks, and new diplomatic actions as well as many more quality of life and functional improvements to HoI in By Blood Alone.

在唯有浴血By Blood Alone中,你将会见到20个全新的单位模型及与之配套的SFX,还有12首全新的、内有史实广播置入的音乐,以及全新的外交行动和许许多多的机制改动及提升。

As mentioned above, we'll be delving much deeper into what each of these features will consist of in the coming weeks and months leading up to release. Stay tuned for more information!


Wishlist it here!








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